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SUBMIT A PRSUBMIT AN ISSUElast edit: Feb 14, 2025

Subtensor Error Messages

When Subtensor gives you errors, either when using btcli or Bittensor API, consult this document to understand the meaning of these error messages.

Subtensor error message format

Subtensor presents the errors in the following format:

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: [Error Code]'

Below are the detailed error messages:

Custom error: 0

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 0'


Your coldkey is set to be swapped. No transfer operations are possible.

Custom error: 1

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 1'


The amount you are staking/unstaking/moving is below the minimum TAO equivalent.

The transaction minimum is 500,000 RAO or 0.0005 TAO.

Custom error: 2


The amount of stake you have is less than you have requested

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 2'

Custom error: 3


This subnet does not exist.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 3'

Custom error: 4


This hotkey is not registered.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 4'

Custom error: 5


You do not have enough TAO equivalent stake to remove/move/transfer, including the unstake fee.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 5'

Custom error: 6


You are staking/unstaking/etc too fast.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 6'

Custom error: 7


This pool does not have sufficient liquidity for this amount.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 7'

Custom error: 8


The slippage is higher than you have set the limit at. Try reducing the amount.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 8'

Custom error: 9


This subnet does not allow transfer stake.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 9'

Custom error: 255


Unknown error.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 255'